Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Second try

Unfortunately, the fantastic post I had written for this post was completely wiped out because of the terrible internet connection here. Frustrating, but fear not. I will try to recreate it again.
First of all, I need to express my new-found appreciation and respect for "middle America". There are some pretty amazing landscapes out here... everything is so ... natural! Green is greener. Yellow is yellower. Air is fresher. Sky is bluer.

Our trusty steed.

After a great brunch in Salt Lake City, we headed off on 15 NB (then 20 EB) to Yellowstone. We passed through Idaho into Montana and eventually drove into Wyoming where most of the park is.

Gas in Salt Lake City. Don't be fooled. We found out the hard
way that their Regular gas has an octane level of only 85...
not like in California, where Regular is 87!

Fried PICKLES at Ruth's Diner (second oldest restaurant in SLC).

Gas in McCammon, Idaho.

If you have never been to Yellowstone, YOU ARE MISSING OUT. It is absolutely amazing here -- especially during thunderstorm season. We must have hit two or three different storms so far, and each one has offered some amazing scenery and ... let's just say, adventures. And the rain comes very suddenly.

The best part was perhaps missing the Old Faithful eruption. After we arrived at the Visitor Center, we were told that we had just missed the eruption. Luckily, we hung out long enough to catch the next eruption -- and with the sun's red, orange, purple, and yellow rays peeking out from behind fluffy (though menacing) clouds for an already beautiful sunset... and then reflecting off of the steam from Old Faithful... the view was absolutely stunning.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow when we head back in for further exploration!

Our first encounter with wildlife in Yellowstone.


Dora said...

Fried Pickles!? You really can fry anything. :) Its always a culinary adventure with Chianne and Steve. Have fun in Yellowstone!

Eddie said...

I am holding my breath to see what gas prices are in Iowa!

Unknown said...

not shocked that they have fried pickles. then again people will find anything to fry, just ask the guys in our group

glad you guys are having fun in yellowstone.

mmmmm buffalo meat!!


Gabe said...

woohoo! buffalo!

to each commenter:
- i agree with dora. fried pickles? interesting!
- gas prices? still have sub-$4 gas here in baltimore... but i just checked up iowa -- much much cheaper there!
- tetris?? i'm game... darn, i don't have a copy on my ds.... :(...

Johnson said...

Do you have a post of all the pictures you've been taking? I'm glad you guys are having fun. Stay safe.