Sunday, July 27, 2008

Life on a Farm / The Windy City

Sorry about missing a post yesterday. I actually wrote out a whole post and then pressed something that wiped out the entire thing. It was too late at night for me to try and make a second attempt. And so, today's post will be extra long (starting with today, then followed by yesterday).

The Windy City
Sunday, July 27, 2008

We decided to sleep in a little this morning because we were just too tired after getting into Chicago late last night. We stayed at the Westin Chicago -- NICE hotel. :)

We started the day with mass at Holy Name Cathedral. The church was undergoing major renovation, so the service was held in the basement of a hall.

After mass, we had (our first fancy) lunch at Table 52 -- a restaurant owned by Art Smith (Oprah's personal chef who used to work with Martha Stewart).

Lunch at Table Fifty-Two.

After lunch, we drove by Oprah Winfrey's studio (Harpo Producations) before heading to Sears Tower. After the tower, we took the free town trolley to Millenium Park for a leisurely stroll. We left Chicago for Ann Arbor at around 7:00 and just got into our hotel room.

Oprah's groupies.

View from Sears Tower.

Lake Michigan in the background.

The "Married With Children" Fountain.

Gas somewhere in Michigan
(or could be Indiana -- I can't remember).

Tomorrow: Niagara Falls! :)

Life on a Farm
Saturday, July 26, 2008
We woke up Saturday morning to try and make it to Union, Iowa, by 10:00 am. My "farm" friends were at a 20th high school reunion event in nearby Eldora, Iowa, so we all met up there to head back to the farm.

We were warmly welcomed by Arvin and Carolyn (my friend's husband's parents) and other family members. After introductions and some conversation, we were treated to a YUMMY lunch: pulled pork sandwiches, "peaches n cream" corn, two types of salads -- among other yummy items. Keep in mind, most of the main ingredients came straight from the farm to the table!

Iowa Farm

After lunch, Paul (friend's husband's brother) pulled out the tractor and set up a hayride for everyone. We made a quick round of a nearby field where some cows were grazing and stopped at what I'll call the "pig house." They had just received a delivery of several hundred piglets, so we all went to see the baby pigs!

Hay ride -- without the hay.

Close encounter with a piglet.


After the tour of the farm, we headed to the nearby soda fountain for ice cream and floats. On the way, we drove by the Twister farm -- you know the 'famous' scene in the movie Twister where the barn is blown up by the tornado? Well, my friend's family owned that farm and were paid some money by the directors to have their barn blown up!

The Twister site (marked by a sign posted on a tree).

The Twister Farm.

Gas in Eldora, Iowa.

Gas somewhere in Illinois.

Chicago River at night.


KT said...

Finally, civilization.

Otherwise you'd have to rename this blog to Gas Prices Across America.

Joanne said...

Haha, was thinking about making a comment about the number of pictures you guys have standing in front of gas stations...until I realized...dude...I am so "behind" in that game. Anyway, looks like you guys are having quite an adventure and lots of fun experiences. Bummed I'm not there. Ran into Pria before she left for Iowa she didn't tell me it was the farm in Twister! That's so cool!

Dora said...

What happened to the tractor racing?

Unknown said...

Hahah! I love how Steve is mysteriously missing from the Harpo photo.

BTW, thanks for the postcards bro!

Gabe said...

Never got to watch all of Twister but that's a neat factoid :)...

Janey & I should check out Chicago again some time...