Saturday, August 9, 2008

And then there was one...

I suppose I should post a "final" message to this 11-day adventure... of course, it is now 3 weeks since we hit the road back in San Jose... and the roadtrip itself feels like so long ago... I have been here in Newark for over a week now... and the last of my friends left earlier this afternoon... I suppose reality had to hit some time. :)

As a closing, I just wanted to share a few things:

A couple of stats:
4,199 - miles travelled from California to New Jersey.
$3.83 - average cost per gallon of gas.

Everyone needs to go on a cross-country roadtrip (but not by yourself). And I don't just mean through part of the country, I mean from coast to coast. It's like a centrifuge. Separates the good stuff from the bad in life. You will learn SO MUCH about how you really handle different situations.

Best of all, you will have a new appreciation for this country. I'm telling you, EACH state we drove through had something unique... not just in its tourist attractions but in its people. Each state had a culture.

And now, on to law school.

Some miscellaneous pictures from the roadtrip
(and a few from my friends' stay in NY afterwards).

This little tree stood out on its own in the middle of the hotsprings.
What a survivor!

Piglets from the farm. There were about 2,200 just
the day before we visited.

Dinner with Dennis and Melinda in NYC.

A "balloon" sculpture on the top of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

More to come... some day. :)

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